Adjustment Procedures: Digital Section
WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Frequency Response
Perform the following steps to adjust the frequency response:
1. Set the digital signal generator for a P ulse and Bar signal.
2. Select DG X1 FREQ from the Calibration menu, and then select CAL.
3. Moving between position control (POS) and gain adjust (DG X1 FREQ),
adjust the arrow buttons for the flattest bottom on the modulated pulse.
4. Select DG CAL MENU, and then select SAVE.
5. Select DG X5 FREQ from the Calibration menu, and then select CAL.
6. Moving between position control (POS) and gain adjust (DG X5 FREQ),
adjust the arrow buttons for the flattest bottom on the modulated pulse.
7. Select DG CAL MENU, and then select SAVE.
Vector Gain and X5 Gain Phase
Perform the following steps to adjust the vector gain and X5 gain phase:
1. Set the digital signal generator for a 75% color bar signal.
2. Select DG VEC GAIN from the C alibration menu, select CAL, and then
select TEST ON.
3. Adjust the up and down arrow buttons so that the vector dots land in the
center of the graticule target boxes.
4. Moving between P HASE and DG VEC GAIN, Adjust the left and right
arrow buttons so that the vector dots land in the center of the graticule target
boxes. See Figure 5--1.
5. Select DG CAL MENU, and then select SAVE.