WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Adjustment Procedures: Analog Section
Perform these steps to prepare the instrument to be adjusted:
1. Plug the AC power adapter into the WFM90D or WFM91D, and then plug
the adapter into the AC power source.
2. Set the input termination switches to the HIZ position.
3. Connect a 75% color bar signal from the analog television signal generator
to the VIDEO IN connector, using a 75 Ω in-line termination.
4. Turn on the instrument.
5. Press the CONFIG button. Select PRESETS, and then select DEFAULT.
6. Read How to Adjust Instrument Settings on page 5--3.
Raster VCO
Perform these steps to adjust the raster VCO:
1. Select RAST VCO from the Calibration menu.
2. Select CAL, and then select AUTO.
3. Wait until the CANCEL message disappears from the screen.
4. Select CAL MENU, and then select SAVE from the menu.
Sweep Timing and Horizontal Mag Registration
Perform these steps to adjust the sweep timing and horizontal mag registration:
1. Replace the signal on the VIDEO IN connector with the output from the
function generator. Be sure to use a 50 Ω-to-75 Ω minimum-loss attenuator
and a precision (1%) 50 Ω cable if the generator specifies a 50 Ω output.
2. Set the function generator for a 200 kHz sine wave output.
NOTE. Verify the generator frequencies used in these steps by checking them on
the frequency counter.
3. Select 1H SWEEP from the Operating menu.
4. Select 1H SWEEP from the Calibration menu, and then select CAL.
5. Adjust the arrow buttons for one cycle per major division.