Agilent Technologies E1446A Car Amplifier User Manual

140 !Reset E1445A and clear status
150 OUTPUT @Afg;"*RST;*CLS;*OPC?"
160 ENTER @Afg;Ready
170 !
180 OUTPUT @Afg;"SOUR:FREQ1:FIX 1E3;"; !frequency
190 OUTPUT @Afg;":SOUR:FUNC:SHAP SIN;"; !function
200 OUTPUT @Afg;":SOUR:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL .4VPP;"; !amplitude
210 OUTPUT @Afg;":OUTP:LOAD:AUTO ON;"; !couple load to impedance
220 OUTPUT @Afg;":OUTP:IMP 50" !output impedance
230 !
240 WAIT .1
250 OFF INTR 16
260 !
280 !
290 !Declare and initialize program variables
300 !
310 REAL In1_atten,In1_imped,In2_atten,In2_imped !input variables
320 REAL Out1_atten,Out1_imped,Out1_state !main output variables
330 REAL Out2_imped,Out3_imped !diff out variables
340 REAL Offset !DC offset variable
350 !
360 DATA 20.,50.,0.,50.
370 READ In1_atten,In1_imped,In2_atten,In2_imped !input atten and imp
380 !
390 DATA 0.,50.,1 !main output attenuation, impedance, and state
400 READ Out1_atten,Out1_imped,Out1_state
410 !
420 DATA 50.,50. !differential output impedances
430 READ Out2_imped,Out3_imped
440 !
450 Offset= 8. !DC offset
460 !
470 !Set E1446A base address and initialize COM variables
480 Set_addr(88)
490 !
500 !Set up E1446A
510 Setup_e1446(In1_atten,In1_imped,In2_atten,In2_imped,Out1_atten,Out1_imped,
520 !
530 OUTPUT @Afg;"INIT:IMM" !E1445A wair-for-arm state
540 END
550 !
C-22 Register-Based Programming Example Programs