
Using the Differential (small signal) Outputs
These examples show you how to use the amplifier’s differential (small
signal) outputs. Note the following when using the outputs:
the differential (small signal) outputs are designed for
high-frequency and low-power source applications.
with no attenuation, the maximum input voltage (sum of Input1 and
Input2) must not exceed 2 Vpp (Figure 2-1).
In the first example, the E1446A is a servant to the E1445A. In the second
example, the E1446A is a servant to the E1405 Command Module.
Using the
Differential Outputs
(Agilent E1445A
Rather than amplify the input signal, this program attenuates the signal
supplied by the E1445A to obtain an output amplitude of 10 mVpp. The
output can be taken at either the ’Diff +’ or ’Diff -’ (inverted) output.
The steps of this program are:
1. Reset the E1445A AFG and E1446A amplifier.
2. Set the AFG frequency, function, and (minimum) amplitude.
[SOURce:]FREQuency[1][:CW|:FIXed] <frequency>
[SOURce:]FUNCtion[:SHAPe] <shape>
3. Couple the AFG output load value to the output impedance value.
OUTPut[1]:LOAD:AUTO <mode>
OUTPut[1]:IMPedance <impedance>
4. Set the amplifier input impedance to match the AFG output load.
INPut[1]:IMPedance <impedance>
5. Set the amplifier input attenuation.
INPut[1]:ATTenuation <attenuation>
2-26 Programming the Agilent E1446A Using the Differential (small signal) Outputs