
DS1-FAC (DS1 Facility)
Issue 1 June 2005 1057
Removing a DS1 Facility
Removing a DS1 facility is service disrupting in any system configuration, because the DS1
facility administration is similar on both sides of the PNC on critical-reliability systems.
This procedure is destructive.
1. Use busyout ds1-facility to busyout the DS1 facility.
2. Use list fiber-link to check the fiber link number.
3. Use change fiber-link to administer the DS1 facility. Set the Facility Installed
field to n for the facility that is being removed.
4. Disconnect the DS1 facility (or facilities in a critical-reliability system configuration).
DS1 Interface Options
Use fiber link administration to set the following DS1 Interface options. Use list fiber-link
to check the number of the fiber link. Execute change fiber-link and set the following
Table 362: DS1 Interface Options administration
Field Description
y when the facility is installed.
For TN574 DS1 converter boards, facility A must be installed first. Install
Facilities B, C and D in any order on any of the four facilities.
For TN1654 DS1 converter boards, facility A must be installed first, then B,
then C or D. This is required because the primary facility can only reside on
facilities A or B.
Far-End Clock
y when the DS1 facility is used as a clock reference for the receive fiber
Appears on the Fiber-Link screen for TN574 DS1 converter circuit packs.
On the TN1654 DS1 converter board, none of the facilities can be used as a
clock reference for the receive fiber signal, and administration of this field is
not applicable.
DS1 facilities cannot be used as system synchronization sources.
Digital Data
y when the DS1 facility is digital data compatible and suitable for carrying
packet traffic.
Appears on the Fiber-link screen for TN574 DS1 converter circuit packs. The
TN574 circuit pack allows any of the four facilities to be used as the primary
facility that carries the packet traffic.
The TN1654 DS1 converter board allows packet traffic only on facilities A
and B, and administration of this field is not applicable.
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