
RDIG-STA (Remote Digital Station)
Issue 1 June 2005 1933
j. Error Type 2304: internal system error. No action is necessary.
k. Error Type 2305 with Aux Data 32770: the station went off-hook while it was in the
ready-for-service state. Use the status station command to determine the state of the
station. The off-hook should have moved the station to ready-for-service. No craft action is
Error Type 2305 with Aux Data 40967: an in-line maintenance error has generated an
off-board warning due to a problem with the link to the voice terminal. This can be ignored if
no user complaints are received. Otherwise, make sure the voice terminal is connected,
check for defective wiring, check for a defective voice terminal, and move the voice terminal
to a jack that is closer to the switch (in terms of feet of wiring between the jack and the
switch). If the problem persists, replace the circuit pack. Once the problem has been
resolved, the alarm disappears after a predetermined amount of time.
l. Error Type 2817: the endpoint caused a large number of control channel messages to be
sent to the switch within a short period of time (50 or more CCMS uplinks within 10
seconds). The station will be taken out-of-service for 30 seconds due to the hyperactivity.
This may be completely normal during heavy traffic periods.
m. Error Type 3840 with Aux Data 40965: no terminal is connected to the COMBO board. No
maintenance action is required. This is also the code that is generated when the link
between the circuit pack and the voice terminal is successfully reset. No craft action is
Error Type 3840 with Aux Data 40989: Indicates an uplink message has been logged
indicating that the Electric Power Feed (EPF) is on with no load on it. No action is
necessary. No craft action is necessary.
n. Error Type 3841: the circuit pack’s message buffer is full. This may be caused by having
many display phones with heavy traffic connected to the circuit pack. No action is
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Investigate tests in the order presented below. Clearing Error Codes associated with the one
test may also clear errors generated from other tests in the sequence.
Order of Investigation Short
Long Test
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestructive
Digital Line Electronic Power Feed test (#11) X ND
DIG-LINE Station Lamp Updates test (#16) X X ND
Station (Digital) Audits test (#17) X X ND