
LIC-ERR (License-Error Mode)
Issue 1 June 2005 1481
b. Error Type 513: the license has expired, and the 30-day timer has started. When the
10-day timer expires, the system enters No-License mode (see NO-LIC (No License)
page 1727, Error Type 513).
c. Error Type 769: feature use has exceeded limits, if the license has expired and the 30-day
timer begins. When the timer expires, the system enters No-License mode.
d. Error Type 1281: a new license was not installed after an upgrade. A countdown timer is
starts; see NO-LIC (No License)
on page 1727, Error Type 1281.
e. Error Type 1537: the License file is missing or corrupt. A countdown timer for a license
error starts only if the previous state was License-Normal.
f. Error Type 1793: the current software version does not match the software version in the
License File, and the countdown timer has started. When the timer expires, the system
enters No License mode.
g. Error Type 1852: the Offer Category in translation does not match the Offer Category in the
License File, and the countdown timer has started. When the timer expires, the system
enters No-License mode (see NO-LIC (No License)
on page 1727).
h. Error Type 2561: during the last attempted License File audit, the license server did not
respond in time.
i. Error Type 3073: this LSP (the one reporting the LIC-ERR) has gone active because one or
more media gateways have registered with it. Follow standard practices to repair the
primary media server(s) or control network.
j. Error Type 3074: this Enterprise Survivable Server (ESS) is controlling one or more port
networks. Follow standard practices to repair the Main media server(s) or control network.
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Use test license to initiate a License File test.
Table 531: Test #1484 and Test #19 License File Test
Description / Recommendation
1 FAIL The system is in License-Error mode. For details, see Troubleshooting
License File errors on page 1482.
2 FAIL The system is in No-License mode. For details, see NO-LIC (No License)
page 1727.
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