
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 201
1415 DAC msg err/agent login Adjunct Switch Application Interface (ASAI) third
party direct agent call. process CP_DIR_AGENT
message from ISG. Possible causes:
adjunct agent not logged in
adjunct gave the switch a wrong agent
adjunct gave the switch a wrong split
1416 Auth code dgt coll fail Collecting authorization code digits as end-to-end
signaling failed.
1417 TTR queueing invalid Collecting authorization code digits. “TTR
queueing occurred in remote access” is indicated
in Touch Tone Receiver (TTR) of callr - not valid
in this routine.
1418 Bsy vfy trk member Error on query for busy status. Possible causes:
trunk member specified greater than maximum
trunks in group, or corrupted trunk index after a
tape read.
1419 COS restrctn Rus Intrsn User’s Class of Service does not allow access to
Russian Power Trunk Intrusion feature.
1420 Bsy vfy call merge fail Merging the busy-verifying call with the
busy-verified call. Failure to find an available
callr2 party slot.
1421 Bsy vfy termination fail Terminating the busy-verifying call to a trunk.
Failure to find an available caller party slot.
1422 Bsy vfy termination fail Terminating the busy-verifying call to a trunk.
Error getting the trunk’s index into the tmem_tbl
1423 Software invalid stim Remote user activation/deactivation of a type of
attendant call forwarding - stimulus other than
1424 Cfwd dest dgts storage Activation of call forwarding. Call forward
destination address digits did not all get stored.
1425 Cfwd actvt error/denial Activation of call forwarding. Error or denial of
1426 Off prem extension size Request remote switch to activate CF on one of
its local extensions. Answer Distributed
Communication System (DCS) off-premise
station extension size is defined by destination
digits dialed.
1427 FWDed party extension nbr Activating call forwarding. Feature button IDs
forwarded party extension number for which we
cannot find a user ID.
1428 Phys ext not cfwd avail Logged-in Expert Agent Selection (EAS) agent’s
physical extension is unavailable for any “simple”
(on switch?) call- forwarding.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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