Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1806 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
S8700 MC
On S8700 Multi-Connect, a PKT-INT module resides on each IPSI board. LAPD links are
terminated by the PKT-INT modules in the IPSIs that are distributed out to the port networks.
The non IPSI connected port networks do not have their own PKT-INT capability, so their LAPD
links are terminated by IPSIs in the IPSI connected port networks.
S8700 Multi-Connect architecture has three items that can be duplicated for increased
reliability: media server, IPSI, and PNC. They can be duplicated independently. Duplicated
control networks and duplicated IPSIs go together, so that when the IPSIs are duplicated, the
control networks must be duplicated. The set of items in your configuration that are duplicated
depend on the reliability option chosen for your system: duplex, high or critical. See
Table 667: Reliability Options
on page 1806.
Duplex-Reliability Configuration
The duplex-reliability configuration shown in Figure 106: Duplex-Reliability Configuration on
page 1807 has duplicated media servers, an unduplicated control network, unduplicated IPSIs
in the IPSI connected PNs, and an unduplicated bearer network. Because the IPSIs are not
duplicated, the PKT-INT modules contained within them are not duplicated.
Table 667: Reliability Options
Configurations Servers Control Networks and
Duplex Reliability Duplicated Unduplicated Unduplicated
High Reliability Duplicated Duplicated Unduplicated
Critical Reliability Duplicated Duplicated Duplicated