
256 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Alarms are communicated to the system users and technicians by entries in the alarm log and
the lighting of LEDs located on the attendant console, on all circuit packs, on the server, on the
Cajun Ethernet switch if there is one, and, optionally, on customer-designated voice terminals.
Warning alarms are not reported to the attendant console.
Terminal alarm notification
Terminal alarm notification is an optional feature which displays several types of alarms on
voice terminals with administered feature buttons or the attendant console. A maximum of 10
digital and/or hybrid voice terminals may be used.
When an alarm occurs, the green status LED associated with the assigned button will be in a
steady state. The LED may be turned off by pressing the button associated with the lighted
alarm LED. If the LED is turned off and the alarm has not been resolved by the time
maintenance reschedules testing, the green status LED will resume its steady state.
The following alarms are displayed:
ac-alarm Administered Connection alarm: A locally administered connection
(ADM-CONN) has a major, minor, or warning alarm active.
pr-awu-alm Auto Wakeup Journal Printer alarm: The automatic wakeup journal printer has
a major, minor, or warning alarm active.
off-bd-alarm DS1 or ATM Facility alarm: An off-board major, minor, or warning alarm is
active on a DS1-BD, UDS1-BD, or ATM-TRK board.
trk-ac-alm Facility Access alarm: The facility access trunk test feature is activated.
major-alrm Major alarm: The system has logged a major alarm.
mj/mn-alrm Major/Minor alarm: The system has logged a major or minor alarm.
pr-pms-alm The Property Management System (PMS) printer has a major, minor, or
warning alarm active.
rs-alert Reset-Alert: reset system 2 or 3 has been performed.
cdr1-alrm Call Detail Recording alarm: The primary CDR link has a major, minor, or
warning alarm active.
cdr2-alrm Call Detail Recording alarm: The secondary link has a major, minor, or warning
alarm active.
pr-sys-alm System Printer alarm: The System Printer (SYS-PRNT) has a major, minor, or
warning alarm active.
pms-alarm The Property Management System has a major, minor or warning alarm active.