
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 205
1478 Block iteratve Lst Nbr Dl Last Number Dialed was accessed through an
Abbreviated Dialing list. Do not allow it again.
1479 LND digits - DPM fail User’s Last Number Dialed (LND) digits were not
returned successfully by dial plan manager.
1480 LND digits - DPM fail User’s Last Number Dialed (LND) digits were not
returned successfully by dial plan manager.
(software error)
1481 MASI setup not incmg ISDN Multimedia Application Server Interface (MASI)
path setup call - valid only for incoming ISDN
1482 MCT on DCS trk disallowed User activating Malicious Call Trace for a DCS
trunk not allowed.
1483 MCT target type invalid Malicious Call Trace target cannot be a group
User ID. Target PORT entered, must be a regular
TRUNK port or PRI.
1484 MCT target not in a call Malicious Call Trace target must actually be
involved in a call.
1485 MCT call serv_d rtrv fail Malicious Call Trace cannot retrieve callr from
serv-d for the call being traced.
1486 MCT trace resorce unavail Malicious Call Trace activation by button could
not get trace resources from GRP_M.
1487 MCT start invld ctlr alrt Malicious Call Trace start invalid controller
alerting return code from GRP_M (mct_start()).
1488 MCT deact dny by GRP_M/er Malicious Call Trace deactivation (not via
busyout) denied by GRP_M or error. (mct_end())
1489 MCT activator grp uid/uid Malicious Call Trace activation failure getting
individual User ID from activator group User ID.
1490 MCT activator COR rstrctd Malicious Call Trace (MCT) activation. Activator’s
Class of Restriction (COR) does not allow MCT
feature access.
1491 Trk ext/int ID cnvsn fail Malicious Call Trace request targeted to a trunk
port ID. Failure converting the external ID
(cabinet, carrier, slot, circuit) into an internal ID
(angel, circuit). (dig23dportid() - ATM,
1492 MCT act on trk pt ID fail Malicious Call Trace request targeted to a trunk
port ID. failure activating MCT for given trunk pt
1493 AD prg from non station Abbreviated dialing programming is messaging
the station server to enter a different mode and
prepare for digit collection. Only simple users
allowed. Wrong user type.
1494 Extension/passwd required Coverage message retrieval. Remote access not
allowed unless the user supplies the extension
and password.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
13 of 33