
CARR-POW (Carrier Power Supply)
Issue 1 June 2005 783
Off-Line Switcher (OLS) Query Test (#127)
This test queries the the PN’s Maintenance for the status of the pair of OLSs in the specified
carrier. If both OLSs are on and functioning, then the test passes. If both are not on and
functioning, it fails.
FAIL There is a problem with one or both OLSs on the cycled carrier.
1. Since the OLS Recycle test failed, both OLSs in the cycled carrier
should have been powered off by the system software. Both OLSs
should be showing a red status LED, instead of an amber one. Since
the OLS Query test is a subset of the OLS Recycle test, the OLS
Query test (#127) should also fail. Run the OLS Query test by using
test environment UU where UU is the appropriate cabinet number.
2. If Test #127 fails, follow the repair procedures described for Test #127.
PASS Both OLSs in the recycled carrier were found to be healthy by a PN’s
Maintenance circuit pack after the OLSs were powered down and back up.
If the status LEDs on both OLSs are not showing amber, then the MAINT
(Maintenance) circuit pack may have incorrectly reported the state of the
OLSs. Resolve any alarms on these MOs.
Table 267: Test #126 OLS Recycle Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
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Table 268: Test #127 OLS Query Test
Description / Recommendation
1000 ABRT System resources required for this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
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