Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 193
Call processing Denial Events
Event Types 1000 - 1899 show denial events generated during call processing, as listed in Call
Process denial events (1001 - 1172) on page 177 and Call Process denial events (1225 -
1899) on page 193.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
1225 All SBS extensions in use Separation of Bearer and Signaling (SBS)
Signaling call tried to allocate an SBS extension,
but all SBS extensions are in use.
1226 Cannot get SBS Sig CID Separation of Bearer and Signaling (SBS) Bearer
call tried to retrieve SBS Signaling call Caller ID.
1227 Can't send SBS ID to orig Separation of Bearer and Signaling (SBS)
Signaling call tried to send an INFO message
with unique ID, but the INFO could not be sent.
1228 Non-bearer trk to SBS ext A non-trunk call terminated to an allocated
Separation of Bearer and Signaling (SBS)
extension waiting for the Bearer SBS call to
1229 Unable to get ARS fac Error occurred when getting the ARS Feature
Access Code in order to build the Separation of
Bearer and Signaling (SBS) complete callback
1230 Unable to get contry code Error occurred when getting the local country
code in order to build the Separation of Bearer
and Signaling (SBS) complete callback number.
1231 Unable to get intl accode Error occurred when getting the international
access code in order to build the Separation of
Bearer and Signaling (SBS) complete callback
1232 TTR err SBS ID dgt coll Error occurred when trying to allocate Touch
Tone Receiver (TTR) to collect the Unique ID
in-band at the terminating node.
1233 Invalid SBS ID dgts/tmo Invalid or partial Separation of Bearer and
Signaling (SBS) Unique ID collected, or interdigit
tmo while collecting Unique ID at SBS
terminating node.
1234 TTR err IGAR ID dgt coll Error occurred when trying to allocate Touch
Tone Receiver (TTR) to collect the Unique ID
in-band at the originating node.
1235 Invalid IGAR ID dgts/tmo Invalid or partial Inter-Gateway Alternate Routing
(IGAR) Index collected, or interdigit timeout while
collecting destination IGAR index at IGAR
originating node.
1236-1299 not assigned
begin intercept type source of denials
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