
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 223
1744 Conf/xfer a tone Cannot conference or transfer tone.
1745 Conf/xfer Announcements Cannot conference or transfer with multiple
1746 Conf/xfer a Vector call Cannot conference or transfer vector call.
1747 Cnf/xfr Service Observers Cannot conference or transfer two service
1748 Conf/xfer a Page call Cannot conference or transfer group or
loudspeaker page call.
1749 No Disconnect Supervision Cannot route call, no disconnect control party.
1750 FRL too low to route call Cannot route the call, Facility Restriction Level is
too low.
1751 No AAR/ARS route pat/pref No route pattern or preference translated.
1752 Conf with no ISDN connect Conference when ISDN connect message has
not been sent due to SA8434.
1753 Caller cvgpt COR restrict Remote/caller cannot terminate to coverage point
due to Class of Restriction (COR) setting.
1754 Caller cvgpt COR restrict Remote/caller cannot terminate to coverage point
due to Class of Restriction (COR) setting.
1755 Caller cvgpt COR restrict Remote caller cannot terminate to coverage point
due to Class of Restriction (COR) setting.
1756 Caller fwdto COR restrict Remote/caller cannot terminate forwarded to
party, Class of Restriction (COR) setting.
1757 Attd release COR restrict Attendant cannot release call, Class of
Restriction (COR) setting.
1758 Attd release link failure Attendant cannot release call, link restriction.
1759 Attd hold COR restrict Attendant cannot release call, Class of
Restriction (COR) setting.
1760 Conference COR restrict Controller cannot conference call, Class of
Restriction (COR) setting.
fail code
1761 Transfer COR restrict Controller cannot transfer call, Class of
Restriction (COR) setting.
1762 Transfer no pooled modem Controller cannot transfer call, no pooled modem.
1763 Cnf/xfr Intercept Anncmt Attempt to transfer/conference an intercept
1764 Btn Ring Control timeout Button ring control activated via Feature Access
Code & time out has occurred. SA8428
1765 Invalid button pushed Invalid button pushed in button ring control mode.
1766 Remote Logout Agent fail no info available
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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