
Denial Events
196 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1332 Data mod options qry fail Reserving a pooled modem. Query data module
for its options failed.
1333 Term to modem failure Seizing (terminating on) a pooled modem failed.
1334 Term to modem failure Analog endpoint termination to pooled modem
(after administrable time delay expires) failed.
1335 LWC blocked by msg_sv Leave Word Calling. Async message response
from msg_sv says give user LW_INTRCPT.
1336 Tone detection timeout Tone detector timeout without receiving a valid
1337 Intrcpt tone from far end Intercept tone received before far end answers.
1338 Wait for answer timeout Wait answer supervision was timedout on a call
from a station or tie trunk.
1339 Auth code required Digit analysis and routing problem. Authorization
code required.
1340 Rmt cfwd invald local ext The attendant activated call forwarding for a
remote extension to an invalid local extension.
1341 Non-voice call intercept Non-voice call was routed to attendant or
announcement for intercept treatment. Switch to
intercept tone treatment.
1342 Dest BCC incompatible The destination bearer capability code is
1343 Need higher FRL to route A higher Facility Restriction Level is needed to
route the call.
1344 Hop count restricted The outgoing call is hop count restricted.
1345 Multiparty caller paging Accessing paging equipment with more than 1
party on the call is not allowed.
1346 Svc Obsrv from wireless Service observing is not possible from wireless
stations because they don’t support “off-hook
idle” state.
1347 Svc Obsrv dpm query fail Query of dpm to see if Feature Access Code
service observing is optioned failed.
1348 No Fac Svc Observing Feature Access Code service observing is not
1349 Term dial-up tst brdg app Feature Access Code entered to do terminal
dial-up test, not allowed on bridged appearances.
1350 Term dial-up tst term typ Terminal dial-up test is not allowed on attendant,
BRI, wt or analog type terminal, or the terminal
does not have a call appearance active on the
voice channel.
1351 More digits expected Appending number to end of digit buffer. All digits
have been processed for an Adjunct Switch
Application Interface (ASAI) originated call, but
more digits are expected to be collected.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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