Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1816 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
g. Error Type 769 and 770: failure in the Packet Loop-Around test. A maintenance
loop-around link cannot be established or the Packet Interface cannot send and receive
data correctly as part of the Loop-Around test (#886). If the number of errors exceeds a
defined threshold, a Major alarm is raised.
In a high- or critical-reliability system (duplicated IPSIs), a failure of the Maintenance
Loop-Around test may have caused an IPSI interchange. This results in an alarm
associated with Error Code 769 or 770 being reported against the standby IPSI’s Packet
Interface module.
Test 886 can be run only on the active IPSI. Use busy ipserver-interface followed by
release ipserver-interface to clear the error on the standby IPSI. Then use set
ipserver-interface to force an IPSI interchange.
Error code 770 indicates that old firmware on the IPSI does not support new software
For more information, refer to the repair procedures of Test #886.
h. Error Type 1025: failure of the Private Loop-around test (#885).
1. If the Packet Interface has a MAJOR alarm:
a. Use reset packet-interface location to reset the Packet Interface.
b. Refer to the repair procedures for the Packet Interface Reset test (#889).
2. If the Packet Interface is not alarmed, take no action.
i. Error Type 1281: the Packet Interface has Translation RAM failures. PKT-INT Translation
RAM is used to convert the addresses of a packet to the destination endpoint address.
1. If the Packet Interface has a MAJOR alarm:
a. Use reset packet-interface location to reset the Packet Interface.
b. Refer to the repair procedures for the Packet Interface Reset test (#889).
2. If the Packet Interface is not alarmed, take no action.
j. Error Type 1537: Boot PROM memory failure. The Packet Interface module may still be
operational if no other errors are reported. However, the module may report a fatal fault
during board initialization. This may occur during a system recovery level more severe than
a WARM restart. For more information, refer to Test #884.
k. Error Type 1793: FLASH Memory test failure. The Packet Interface module may still be
operational if no other errors are reported. However, the module may report a fatal fault
during board initialization. This may occur during a system recovery level more severe than
a WARM restart. For more information, refer to the repair procedures of Test #884.
l. Error Type 2049: LAPD Received Buffer Overflow error. The Packet Interface‘s packet-bus
receive buffer overflowed. For more information, refer to the repair procedures of Test #887.