M/T-BD (Maintenance/Test Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 1707
c. Error Type 18: the circuit pack has been busied out by the command busyout board
location. Execute release board location.
d. Error Type 36: a port processor on the circuit pack failed to initialize. Reset the circuit pack
using busyout board location, reset board location, and release board
location. If the problem does not go away, replace the circuit pack.
e. Error Type 257: a Control Channel Protocol error has occurred. This may be due to the
circuit pack detecting an on-board hardware failure. Execute busyout board location
and reset board location to reset the circuit pack. Any such problem will be detected
during initialization, because the circuit pack locks up and appears insane to the system.
f. Error Type 217, 267: an extra TN771D circuit pack has been inserted into the port network.
g. Error Type 513: an on-board hardware failure has been detected by the circuit pack. Enter
the busyout board location, reset board location, and release board
location commands to reset the circuit pack. If the SAKI Sanity test (#53) passes, the
circuitry is healthy. If not, replace the circuit pack.
h. Error Type 769: program logic error; no action is required. This error may lead to errors of
other types being reported against this circuit pack.
i. Error Type 1025: the circuit pack cannot update NPE memory and read it back. This error
type can be ignored, but might lead to errors of other types being reported against this
circuit pack.
j. Error Type 1538: excessive number of messages have been received from the
Maintenance/Test circuit pack. This may be due to a hardware problem on the circuit pack.
The switch takes the board out of service and periodically puts it back into service to see if
the problem has disappeared. If the problem persists, replace the circuit pack.
k. Error Type 3840: the circuit pack received a bad control channel message from the switch.
This error is not service affecting and no action is required.
l. Error Type 3999: the circuit pack sent a large number of control channel messages to the
switch within a short period of time. If Error Type 1538 is also present, then the circuit pack
was taken out-of-service due to hyperactivity. If Error Type 1538 is absent, then the circuit
pack was not taken out-of-service, but it has generated 50% of the messages necessary to
be considered hyperactive. This may be completely normal during heavy traffic periods.
However, if this error type is logged when the circuit pack is being lightly used, it may
indicate a problem with the circuit pack or the equipment attached to it.