
Denial Events
216 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1636 Not a downloadable set Refresh Terminal Parameters supervision. Port
type is not a valid downloadable station port type.
Only 8400/6400/4600/603 type stations and the
302 type attendant consoles are allowed.
1637 Wrt prot/maxd/annc bd Supervision for announcement record/playback
session processing. Integrated announcement
session instruction message sent to GRP_M.
Possible causes:
announcement is write/delete protected
invalid feat_type or not the same Caller
ID that is in the session
CM port connection failure
invalid Caller ID root (au_sbegin())
CM port disconnect failure
CM port listen failure
no announcement board
maximum number of announcements
already recorded
1638 Record playback reject Supervision for announcement record/playback
session processing. CP_REJECT stimulus
received from somewhere.
1639 Permanent seizure Standard action stimulus processing. Non-Direct
Inward Dialing trunk origination. Digit timeout with
no digits dialed. The permanent incoming seizure
treatment is to give intercept.
1640 Permanent seizure Standard action stimulus processing. Italian
external tie (TGU) call. Digit timeout with no digits
dialed. The permanent incoming seizure
treatment is to give intercept.
1641 Permanent seizure Standard action stimulus processing. Trunk group
type other than: DID, IN_TIE, EX_TIE, TAN_TIE,
DIOD. Digit timeout with no digits dialed. The
permanent incoming seizure treatment is to give
1642 Ofhk alrt tmo intvl admin Standard action stimulus processing. Station,
attendant or analog adjunct data extension
originator. Off-hook alert feature activation. No
off-hook alert timeout interval administered.
1643 Off-hook dialing time out Standard action stimulus processing. originator
group type not trunk, DEXT, SMPL(station), or
attendant? DEXT, SMPL, attendant does not
Class of Service allow off-hook alert, processing
a CP_DG_TMO for Line Intercept Tone timer.
1644 Orig block/invalid digits Standard action stimulus processing. originator
group type not trunk, DEXT, SMPL(station), or
attendant? DEXT, SMPL, ATTD does not Class of
Service allow off-hook alert and NOT processing
a CP_DG_TMO for Line Intercept Tone timer.
1645 Talk state MFC trk fail MultiFrequency Compelled trunk failure after the
call is the talking state. (CP_MFCINTRCPT)
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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