
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 211
1572 Call hndlng/usg alloc err Processing incoming digits for ISDN call.Eerror
during Incoming Call Handling Treatment or
Usage allocation Check (GM_ISDNDIG).
1573 (also
in Table 49
Principal is not ISDN Get called digits, calling number and name, etc.,
and send ISDN SETUP message to the far end.
The principal is not ISDN.
1574 SETUP msg IEs not created Get called digits, calling number and name, etc.,
and send ISDN SETUP message to the far end.
IEs necessary for SETUP not created and stored
in the IAP.
1575 SETUP msg send failed Get called digits, calling number and name, etc.,
and send ISDN SETUP message to the far end.
The “send” failed. (trk_setup(), um_setup())
1576 ISDN routing failure Get called digits, calling number and name, etc.,
and send ISDN SETUP message to the far end.
Routing failure. (gm_routepat())
1577 ISDN SETUP msg failure ISDN trunk group Trunk Access Code dialed or
simulated Q931_REC IEs set up and stored in
iap, and request send of SETUP msg. cp_setup()
returned a failure error.code. suser_m got a
failure indication from the gip in trying to send the
ISDN SETUP message?
1578 Inc tst call 2many partys Incoming test call for talk/listen on same timeslot.
Failure to find an available callr party slot.
1579 Inc tst call wrg usr type Incoming test call for talk/listen on same timeslot.
This type of test call is not permitted to access
the user type.
1580 Must be ISDN trunk group Check for usage allocation restrictions on
incoming overlap receiving calls. Possible
not ISDN trunk group
insane index into the call by call data
get_tmem() failure from GRP_M
Unexpected error from inc_cuap_sf()
1581 Passwd digits err/timeout MCU audio add-on password supervision.
Possible causes:
digit timeout before collecting all the
an invalid digit
a set of digits that does not match the
conference password
1582 Spvsr state/feat_id wron Generating intercept via CP_REORDER with sup
= ACT_TTI_SUP (for Terminal Translation
Initiation digit collection) and feat_id !=
CHG_SEC (Change station security code).
Possible causes:
wrong supervisory state
wrong feat_id in callr
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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