
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 187
1139 Whisp Pg Attd call Whisper page - bridging to call with an attendant
on it.
1140 Whisp Pg Man Exclsn call Whisper page - bridging to call with manual
exclusion activated.
1141 Whisp Pg merge denied Bridging a busy whisper paging party to a call
cannot be merged.
Merge checks include:
not being busy verified by another user
not a data call
the call is in either talk or park state
- One exception to this is Converse calls
which are always in nrm_ans_sup()
no tone connected or bv or conference
tone connected
not exceed conference limit
no aux trunk involved in the call
1142 Whisp Pg warn tone conn Whisper page warning tone connection to callr
1143 Whisp Pg warn tone conn Whisper page warning tone connection to callr2
1144 Whisp Pg merge failed Merge page call with paged call - query for
originator’s portid failed.
1145 Whisp Pg merge failed Merge page call with paged call - query for paged
party’s portid failed.
1146 Whisp Pg call went away Merge page call with paged call - paged party’s
call no longer exists
1147 Whisp Pg blocked Merge page call with paged call - paged party has
whisper page blocked.
1148 Whisp Pg Svc Obsvd call Merge page call with paged call - paged party is
being service observed.
1149 Whisp Pg merge Attd call Merge page call with paged call - paged party is
on a call with an attendant.
1150 Whisp Pg merge Man Exclsn Merge page call with paged call - paged party has
manual exclusion activated.
1151 Whisp Pg merge denied Bridging a busy whisper paging party to a call
cannot be merged.
Merge checks include:
not being busy verified by another user
not a data call
the call is in either talk or park state
- One exception to this is Converse calls
which are always in nrm_ans_sup()
no tone connected or bv or conference
tone connected
not exceed conference limit
no aux trunk involved in the call
1152 Whisp Pg merge failed Merge page call with paged call - merge operation
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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