
Denial Events
184 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1098 TTI merge/unmerge failed Station server could not perform Terminal
Translation Initiation (TTI) merge/unmerge.
Certain resources are unavailable. The user can
try again and the resources might be available.
1099 LWC access code rejected Voice synthesis Leave Word Calling access code
rejected by msg_sv.
1100 TTI - station active In preparation for lock resources step for Terminal
Translation Initiation (TTI) merge/unmerge,
Personal Station Access (PSA) association/
disassociation finds that the station is active on a
call not to be interrupted.
1101 Modem unavailable There is a problem with allocating or finding a
modem for an incoming data call.
1102 MM - voice call failure Processing a Multimedia compatible vector, there
is failure doing conversion to voice call.
1103 Tone Detector conn fail Cannot connect tone detector for trunk terminated
call. Silent Reorder.
1104 Tone Detector conn fail Cannot connect tone detector for voice station or
DEXT. Silent Reorder.
1105 Ringback limit met The limit is met of 4 ringbacks in a row before far
end answers. Silent Reorder.
1106 Ringback limit met The limit is met of 36 ringbacks in a row before far
end answers. Silent Reorder.
1107 Reorder tone received Reorder tone received before far end answers.
Silent Reorder.
1108 LWC access code rejected The message server rejected the Leave Word
Calling Access code that was dialed.
1109 DCS link/msg buffer Remote busy verification encountered a
Distributed Communication System (DCS) link
down or an exhausted DCS message buffer.
1110 DCS link down Distributed Communication System (DCS) remote
trunk group selection. Remote Direct Trunk Group
Selection (DTGS) button push by attendant, but
DCS link is down.
1111 CFWD activate/cancel Send a callforward activation message to the
remote switch. Message buffers exhausted, call
not UDP & not Distributed Communication
System (DCS), DCS link is down.
1112 TTR_unavail Russian Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
3rd party feature button. Touch Tone Receiver
(TTR) not available.
1113 ANI error limit 3rd party feature activation. Automatic Number
Identification (ANI) error on 2 tries.
1114 DCS trunk required Remote busy verification. A Distributed
Communication System (DCS) trunk is required.
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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