ESS (Enterprise Survivable Server)
Issue 1 June 2005 1147
a. Error Type 1: This error only applies to an ESS.
When an ESS server becomes the master of an IPSI Port Network this error is generated
and logged.
The following steps may be followed to investigate and attempt to retire the alarm:
1. Avaya Fault and Performance Management can be used to obtain a network view of the
Enterprise Survivable Server configuration. Note any network fragmentation or media
server outages (Main or ESS).
2. Use the SAT command status ess port-network to identify which ESS Cluster IDs
each Port Network (IPSI) is connected to. This command may be executed at either a
Main or ESS. With a fragmented network it may be necessary to execute this command
at each media server in the system configuration to acquire a complete view of IPSI
3. Using either Avaya Fault and Performance Management or SAT sessions to each media
server determine the extent of any server or network outages.
4. Resolve media server outages. If possible bring the Main media server(s) back online
Note: Bringing a Main media server back online will not cause Port Networks to
immediately switch back to it. Restoring Port Network control to a Main server in
a stable network requires proactive interaction. See step 7 below.
5. Resolve network fragmentation and outage issues per local practice.
6. Use either Avaya Fault and Performance Management or the System Access Terminal
(SAT) commands status ess port-network and status ess clusters to verify
that all media servers and network resources are operational.
257 (b)
OFF ESS is not registered.
Resolve any server and/or
network problems.
513 (c
OFF Connection not established
between ESS server and IPSI.
Resolve any ESS server and/or
network problems. Use the PING
command to verify connectivity
to IPSI circuit packs.
Table 394: ESS Error Log Entries
Associated Test Alarm
Test to Clear Value
2 of 2