
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 179
1022 CDR_resource Call Detail Recording (CDR) resource exhaustion.
Caller from tie trunk can receive reorder tone.
1023 CDR_resource Call Detail Recording (CDR) resource exhaustion.
Give Trunk/Personal Central Office Line (TK/
PCOL) caller termination to announcement. User
ID not found for announcement.
1024 CDR_resource Call Detail Recording (CDR) resource exhaustion.
Caller from non-Trunk/Personal Central Office
Line (TK/PCOL) (from line) can receive reorder
1025 Incompatable Bandwidth Terminated to an endpoint or trunk group that
cannot support the requested bandwidth.
1026 ADX_unavail Call from non-trunk. Unable to terminate at an
AUDIX hunt group.
1027 Attd control trk denial Switch Classified Calls might not go to a trunk
controlled by an attendant.
1028 Trk_unavail No trunks are available and there is no chance of
being queued.
1029 Mod_unavail Modem unavailable from pool.
1030 Mod_unavail Modem unavailable from pool.
1031 LWC failure Leave Word Calling. Async message response
from msg_sv: give user LW_REORDER.
1032 MM_fail Multimedia call. Creating a multimedia user. User
ID (UID) - failure. user_m returned a mtm_uid of
1033 MM_fail Multimedia call. Cannot create a multimedia user.
1034 MM_fail Multimedia call. GM_MTM_DIGIT digit sending
message failed on second address of
multi-number call.
1035 MM_fail Multimedia call. Trying to send more than the
maximum of two addresses in a multi-number call.
1036 Station sec code len qry The query for the administered minimum
station-security-code length failed.
1037 Routing UID=0 The Routing User ID (UID) = 0 for a remote
Distributed Communication System (DCS) user
that has activated automatic callback toward a
station local to this switch.
1038 Acd_login Traditional Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
agent login failed. The maximum number of logins
already exist.
1039 Acd_login GM/UM set up of the Automatic Call Distribution
(ACD) Logical Agent login info failed, before
password matching, if any.
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
3 of 13