
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 207
1508 Unparking vec ctrld call Answer parked call, give confirmation tone to
parked party, merge 2 calls. Deny the unpark
(answer back) attempt if the parked call is under
vector control.
1509 Answr back station dialed Answer parked call, give confirmation tone to
parked party, merge 2 calls. User ID of station
dialed for answer back differs from park_uid in
1510 COR/COR user restricted Answer parked call, give confirmation tone to
parked party, merge 2 calls. COR-to-COR (Class
of Restriction) between user where call is parked
and users in answer back callr.
fail code
(for example,
1511 Parked call already dropd Answer parked call, give confirmation tone to
parked party, merge 2 calls. The parked call was
already dropped by the originator but the chimes
haven’t finished yet.
1512 Too many parties to merge Answer parked call, give confirmation tone to
parked party, merge 2 calls. The merge is not
possible because cannot find an empty slot in
1513 Park call on station only Trying to park a call on a non-station type user.
must park on a user with a SMPL group type.
1514 No call to park There is no conference pending. The caller to be
parked must have dropped or been dropped.
1515 Park ftr serv_d failure Failure encountered releasing the callr to serv_d.
1516 Park ftr serv_d failure Failure encountered retrieving the callr from
1517 Park ftr serv_d failure Failure encountered retrieving the callr from
1518 Too many park conferees Too many conferees in the call to allow parking.
1519 Vector active cant park Vectoring is active on the held call. Cannot allow
the held call to be parked.
1520 Park ftr serv_d failure Failure encountered releasing the callr to serv_d.
1521 Park ftr serv_d failure Failure encountered retrieving the callr from
1522 TAAS from guest room Pickup for Call Pickup or Trunk Answer Any
Station (TAAS). Attendant backup alerting is
active, maid status is dialed from guest room on
station doing pickup. Might be maid is invoking
TAAS from guest room.
1523 Not a pickup grp mbr Pickup for Call Pickup or Trunk Answer Any
Station (TAAS). Pickup initiator is not a member
of a pickup group.
1524 Picked up call ID error Pickup for Call Pickup or Trunk Answer Any
Station (TAAS). Error encountered getting call ID
of call to be picked up.
Table 50: Call Process denial events (1225 - 1899) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
15 of 33