
Event Data
Issue 1 June 2005 159
Cause Value 69
[0x45/0xC5] -
Requested facility not implemented
The call could not be completed because the equipment sending this Cause Value does not
support the requested service, feature, or supplementary service in the SETUP message.
This Cause Value has end-to-end significance and should always be passed back through the
network to the user.
Communication Manager does not originate this Cause Value for PRI. A BRI or Adjunct Switch
Application Interface (ASAI) application might generate this Cause Value.
Check the diagnostic information (DIAG) for the facility identifier of the not-implemented
service. See Cause Values and their meanings/interpretations
on page 128.
Check Communication Manager administration (network generated the Cause Value).
- Route Pattern: service or feature: An incorrect service or feature is specified for the call
being made on this CBC trunk group preference. An incorrect ITC and/or BCIE specified,
these fields affect how the bearer capability is encoded in the SETUP message.
- The ITC administered on the originating endpoint might be incorrect for this call.
- Incorrect data speed option is set in the BRI device, causing a call from a BRI endpoint
tandeming through Communication Manager to create a SETUP message with the
wrong bearer capability.
- On tandem calls through Communication Manager from ISDN trunks to ISDN trunks, an
inappropriate NSF can be tandemed from one D-channel to the other D-channel. The
problem is that the outgoing trunk group is CBC but no service or feature was specified
on the outgoing route pattern to overwrite the incoming NSF. Add the correct service or
feature to the route pattern or make the outgoing trunk group a static trunk group (for
example, public-network or tie) as appropriate.
- System Parameters Features: US NI send Calling Name ID field is y. Communication
Manager sends the Bellcore calling name ID but the customer has not subscribed to that
service. Set the US NI send Calling Name ID field to n.
Communication Manager is attempting to send User-to-User information in a message
through the public network when not subscribed to a UUS service, for example Look
Ahead Interflow/Best Service Routing (LAI/BSR) information, Adjunct Switch Application
Interface (ASAI) information, etc.