
Denial Events
136 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Check the diagnostic information (DIAG) for the transit network identity of the unreachable
network. See Cause Values and their meanings/interpretations
on page 128.
Check the numbers sent for any missing prefixes or service values that were needed to
access the network.
Check that the call type (data, voice, fax) can be routed between the ISDN networks
serving both ends of the call.
Check that the bearer capabilities of the call are acceptable to the ISDN network serving
both ends of the call.
Check the Cause Value Information Element (LOC). See Location Codes on page 130.
Check Communication Manager administration.
- AAR/ARS digit analysis: Call type is incorrect for the call being made specifying the
wrong type of number and/or number plan information, or it is preventing code
conversion from taking place. Call is being routed to the incorrect route pattern where the
incorrect digit manipulation and/or code conversion is taking place.
- Route pattern: Incorrect digits or IXC were inserted. Incorrect number of digits were
deleted. An incorrect ITC and/or BCIE were specified, affecting the SETUP message
bearer capability encoding. An incorrect service or feature was specified for the
preference. The number format specified is wrong for the call type.
- The ITC administered on the originating endpoint might be incorrect for this call.
- Incorrect data speed option is set in the BRI device, causing a call from a BRI endpoint
tandeming through Communication Manager to create a SETUP message with the
wrong bearer capability.
Cause Value 03
[0x3/0x83] -
No route to destination/
Calling party dropped while on hold (5ESS: 5 Electronic Switching System)/
Bearer service not implemented (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
The ISDN service provider cannot route the call to the indicated destination. Communication
Manager does not originate Cause Value 03.
Check the numbers sent for any missing prefixes or service values that were needed to
access the network.
Check the Cause Value Information Element (LOC). See Location Codes on page 130.
Check Communication Manager administration.
- Dial-plan/Location: The home NPA is administered incorrectly, causing incorrect code