Denial Events
176 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Cause Value 111 (NI-2) is used in packet mode to be able to map the X.25 Cause Value 17
“remote procedure error”.
Communication Manager does not originate this Cause Value for PRI. A BRI or Adjunct Switch
Application Interface (ASAI) application might generate this Cause Value.
Cause Value 112
[0x70/0xF0] -
Local procedure error (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
This is a packet mode Cause Value.
Cause Value 113
[0x71/0xF1] -
Remote procedure error (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
This is a packet mode Cause Value.
Cause Value 114
[0x72/0xF2] -
Remote user suspended (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
This Cause Value indicates to the remote user that the call has been put on hold.
Cause Value 115
[0x73/0xF3] -
Remote user resumed (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
This Cause Value indicates to the remote user that the call has been taken off hold.
Inter-working Class Cause Values
Cause Value 127
[0x7F/0xFF] -
Inter-working, unspecified/
User info discarded locally (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
This Cause Value indicates that in the equipment sending this Cause Value is the point in the
network where the call has inter-worked with a network that does not provide Cause Value
information for actions it takes. Thus when an event takes place this Cause Value is sent
because the precise cause for the event cannot be ascertained.
This Cause Value has end-to-end significance and should always be passed back through the
network to the user.