
CO-TRK (Analog CO Trunk)
Issue 1 June 2005 845
FAIL Trunk was seized, but dial tone could not be detected.
1. Test every administered outgoing port on the board. Failure of 1 port
indicates a problem toward the CO.
2. If every port fails, see note below.
3. Check for errors on the TONE-BD or TONE-PT. Clear any errors
found, and repeat the test.
4. If the error has still not cleared, refer the problem to the CO.
5. If no service problems exist on the port, continue to use the port until
the circuit pack or media module can be replaced (as a last resort).
Perform a trunk test call to see if the trunk is operable.
Note: If the dial tone test fails for every port on a circuit pack or
media module, a -5 Volt power problem is indicated. To
investigate problems with a power unit, seeCARR-POW
(Carrier Power Supply) on page 770 or RMC-ENV (Power/
Fan Sensors) on page 1951.
2002 FAIL Seizure portion of test failed due to hardware problem. Fault is usually
caused by a disconnected trunk.
1. If the CO Demand Diagnostic test (#3) also failed, display the
Hardware Error Log. If the CO Demand Diagnostic test failed because
it could not detect ground (indicated by Error Type 1281 in the
Hardware Error Log) AND Error Type 3329 or 3585 appears in the
Hardware Error Log (with the same last occurred time as Error Type
1281 and 1537), replace the circuit pack or media module.
2. Check trunk wiring to ensure good connection; repeat test if wiring
correction made.
3. Locate another identical CO trunk and swap its wiring with the one
under test. Repeat test on both trunks, and determine whether
problem follows trunk or remains at original port. If problem follows
trunk, refer problem to CO. If problem remains at the port, replace the
circuit pack or media module and repeat the test.
1009 PASS Detected tone was not pure dial tone. No action required.
Table 288: Test #0 Dial Tone Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
3 of 4