
G700 Media Gateway Traps
316 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
17 90 MAJ cmgMemoryFault — The Media Gateway Processor has detected a
low processor memory condition. If an attempt by a software
module to allocate memory fails, or if available memory falls below
four million bytes, this trap is generated. If available memory later
rises above five million bytes, this trap is cleared. If available
memory falls below a half a million bytes, the Media Gateway
Processor is automatically reset.
1. Check the Media Gateway Processor and insure that it has the
latest version of firmware installed. If it does not, install the
latest version of firmware and continue to monitor.
2. If this trap occurs infrequently and is automatically cleared, the
trap may be due to an unusual transient condition. Monitor
future traps.
3. If this trap occurs frequently and is automatically cleared, it is
likely that the Media Gateway Processor software has the
wrong limits set for its memory monitoring. These limits are
hard coded in the software. Escalate.
4. If this trap occurs and does not clear, the Media Gateway may
be functionally impaired. Do not reset the Media Gateway.
Escalate and have Tier 3 personnel capture the trap
information and the event logs for analysis.
5. If this trap occurs and the Media Gateway Processor
automatically resets, then a severe processor memory
shortage occurred. Escalate and have Tier 3 personnel capture
the trap information and the event logs for analysis.
18 92 MAJ cmgDhcpRequestFault — The Media Gateway cannot contact its
DHCP server, or the DHCP server did not respond to a request.
1. Either correct the DHCP problem, or correct the Media
Module’s configuration file.
Table 83: G700 Alarms (SNMP Traps) to the Primary Media Server (continued)
Description / Recommendation
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