
TDM-CLK (TDM Bus Clock)
Issue 1 June 2005 2257
j. Error Type 2049:
S8700 MC
The Tone-Clock circuit in the master port network was unable to detect the incoming
synchronization signal, but the other tone-clock was able to detect the references. If the Aux
Data is 0, the problem is with the signal on the primary. If the Aux Data is 1, the problem is
with the signal on the secondary. The system should switch clocks in this situation.
1. If this error is against PN 1’s clock board and the system is using a Stratum-3 clock,
check the cabling that brings the Stratum-3 signal to this clock board.
2. Replace the current standby IPSI or Tone-Clock circuit pack. See Replacing the IPSI or
Tone-Clock Circuit Pack on page 2337.
k. Error Type 2305:
S8700 MC
The indicated Tone-Clock circuit is an active slave Tone-Clock that has detected a loss of
timing signal from its EXP-INTF synchronization source. (A slave Tone-Clock resides in a
PN that does not contain the system’s reference synchronization source.)
1. Enter display errors and display alarms, and follow the repair procedures for
EXP-INTF, TDM-CLK, and TONE-BD error log entries that have on-board alarms.
2. If the 2305 errors persist, follow the repair procedures for EXP-INTF error log entries
257, 769, or 770, or any errors logged against SNI-BD, SNC-BD, or FIBER-LK.
3. If the 2305 errors persist:
a. For Port Networks with more than one Tone-Clock circuit, execute test
synchronization r 10 to see if new 2305 errors against TDM-CLK were reported.
If not, execute reset pnc interchange and test synchronization r 10
again, and recheck for new 2305 errors against TDM-CLK
b. For Port Networks with a single Tone-Clock circuit, execute test
synchronization r 10 to see if new 2305 errors were reported.
If no new instances of the 2305 errors were logged for either test, enter test
tone-clock location long clear to clear the TDM-CLK errors. The procedure is
4. For Port Networks with more than one Tone-Clock circuit:
a. Enter set tone-clock location to interchange the Tone-Clocks.
b. Run test synchronization r 10 to see if new 2305 errors are reported against
the new active Tone-Clock circuit.