
Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2256 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
h. Error Type 1025: Processor/Tone-Clock circuit on-board maintenance has detected one or
more clock slips, timing differences between its internal reference source and the
synchronization signal provided by the master Tone-Clock. Although no clock slip errors are
expected during normal operation, both manual and automatic interchanges of Tone-Clock
circuit, synchronization references, and PNCs could result in clock slip counts.
If Error Type 1281 also is logged for the same Tone-Clock circuit, it is related to this problem
and should be corrected first. Otherwise, continue with the following procedure.
1. Use test tone-clock location, and examine the results of Test #149 to see if slip
errors still appear. If no new slip errors are reported, and if these errors are not causing a
TDM-CLK alarm, they may be ignored. Use test tone-clock location long
clear to clear the errors.
2. Otherwise, enter display errors, and follow corrective procedures for any other
logged, except for those in Table 807: Error Log Entries for Slip Errors
on page 2256.
3. If Error Type 1025 errors persist, see SYNC (Port-Network Synchronization)
page 2143.
i. Error Type 1281:
the Processor/Tone-Clock circuit has detected a loss of timing signal from
the system’s synchronization reference. The Processor/Tone-Clock circuit has switched
synchronization references.
1. Resolve any errors logged against the SYNC or STRAT-3 MOs.
2. See SYNC (Port-Network Synchronization)
on page 2143 maintenance, if the error is not
resolved by step 1.
Error Type 1282:
the TN2182 tone-clock was synchronized to a DS1 facility and that the
reference frequency provided by the DS1 drifted beyond a range that could be tracked by
the TN2182. Therefore the TN2182 is no longer synchronized to that DS1 reference. If a
second DS1 is available, the tone-clock may be synchronized to that reference. If no
secondary DS1 reference is available, the tone-clock will run off of its internal clock. This
may result in slips being reported by the tone-clock and every DS1 facility.
Table 807: Error Log Entries for Slip Errors
Circuit Pack Name Error Log Name Error Log Entry for Slips
DS1 Interface DS1-BD 3073 to 3160
Expansion Interface EXP-INTF 2305
Switch Node Interface SNI-BD 1537
Tone-Clock TDM-CLK 1025
UDS1 Interface 3073 to 3160
DS1C Circuit Pack DS1C-BD 3329