
Denial Events
134 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Cause Values
Normal Class Cause Values
Cause Value (empty)
[ ] -
Normal call clearing (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
The call was disconnected normally by either end hanging up.
This Cause Value has end-to-end significance and should always be passed back through the
network to the user.
Cause Value 00
[0x0/0x80] -
Normal disconnect
The call was disconnected normally by either end hanging up. Most equipment uses Cause
Value 16 to report normal disconnect.
Cause Value 01
[0x1/0x81] -
Unassigned (Unallocated number)/
Invalid Call Reference Value (CRV) (1TR6: AT&T ISDN Protocol)
The call could not be completed because the number requested in the SETUP message is not
assigned/allocated by the ISDN network.
This Cause Value has end-to-end significance and should always be passed back through the
network to the user.
65 to 79 Service or Option not Implemented Class Cause Values on page 158
67, 68, 71-78, 80 unassigned
81 to 95 Invalid Message Class Cause Values
on page 161
92-94 unassigned
96 to127 Protocol Error Class Cause Values
on page 165
104-109, 116-126 unassigned
Table 44: Cause Value Classes and Ranges (continued)
Number range Cause Value Class
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