Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2396 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
The circuit pack is isolated from the system and every trunk or port on this circuit pack is
placed into the out-of-service state. The system will try to restore the circuit pack within
20-30 minutes. When no faults are detected for 20-30 minutes, the UDS1 Interface circuit
pack is restored to normal operation. Every trunk or port of the UDS1 Interface circuit pack
is then returned to the in-service state.
If the board is not restored to normal operation or the error recurs after the board was
restored to normal operation, escalate the problem.
v. Error Types 3073 to 3160: for releases of G3V4 and higher, Error Type 3073 shows that
this board is receiving slips. The Aux Data contains the last slip count reported.
w. Error Type 3330: LAN critical error. A critical failure has been detected in the Packet bus
interface of the circuit pack. This failure may be due to an on-board fault or a Packet bus
fault. If the Packet bus is alarmed, see PKT-INT (Packet Interface)
on page 1799 for
recommended repair procedures.
This error isolates the board from the Packet bus and raises an alarm. If the Packet bus is
not alarmed, enter busyout board location, reset board location, test board
location, and release board location. This should clear the alarm and restore the
board to the Packet bus.
If the problem persists, and there are no PKT-BUS alarms, then replace the circuit pack.
x. Error Types 3585 to 3601: for later releases of G3V4 and beyond, Error Type 3585 shows
that this board is receiving misframes. The AUX Data contains the last misframe count
y. Error Type 3840: not service-affecting. No action is required. These errors are reported by
the circuit pack when it receives a bad control channel message from the switch. The
auxiliary data identifies the following error events:
z. Error Type 3841: the UDS1 Interface circuit pack has detected a transient hardware logic
error (for example, program logic inconsistency). This error will disappear when no faults
are detected for 100 minutes. The value in Aux Data indicates the type of hardware
Aux Data Event
4096 Bad major heading
4097 Bad port number
4098 Bad data
4099 Bad sub-qualifier
4100 State inconsistency
4101 Bad logical link