
Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
480 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
32009 Required DATA-CHL is not administered or out of service. (A DATA-CHL is
required to save or restore announcements.)
1. Add a DATA-CHL if none is administered.
2. If a DATA-CHL is administered, use status to check the status of all
DATA-CHLs. At least one DATA-CHL should be in the in-service/idle state.
DATA-CHL is not administered, or it is unavailable. (A DATA-CHL is required to
save or restore announcements.)
1. Add a DATA-CHL if none is administered.
2. If a DATA-CHL is administered, use status to check the status of all
DATA-CHLs. At least one DATA-CHL should be in the in-service/idle state.
32012 Required Announcement Data Module is not administered.
1. Add an Announcement Data Module and repeat the command.
32015 Time of day not set.
1. Set the time of day, and reenter save/restore announcements.
32016 Internal system errors.
Check for any other ANNOUNCE errors and take corrective action.If there are no
other announcements errors, do the following:
1. Retry the command at 2-minute intervals a maximum of three times.
2. If save/restore announcements fails, escalate the problem.
Table 145: Aux data error codes and recommended repair procedures (continued)
Aux data Description/ Recommendation
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