
Alarms in Linux Media Servers
Issue 1 June 2005 57
Table 14: DUP Alarms in Media Server
Alarm Text, Cause/Description, Recommendation
1 MAJ “Duplication card error” — Duplication Manager determined that the
duplication card is not functioning, but it cannot distinguish between a bad
card, an unplugged card, or a bad fiber link.
1. Check the physical fiber connectivity at each server.
2. Verify the alarm, by accessing the trace log, either from the:
Web interface, by:
a. Selecting the View System Logs diagnostic and Logmanager
Debug trace
b. Specifying the Event Range for the appropriate time frame
c. Matching the “dup” pattern
Linux command line, by entering logv -t ts
3. Examine the trace-log query’s output for one of these messages:
“glbi: couldn't open Dup Card, errno=<#>. ndm exiting”
“glbi: mmap failed, errno=<#>. ndm exiting”
“Haven't heard from active dupmgr. Dup fiber link down.”
“san_check_rsp() FAILED: Dup Fiber link down.”
4. See if the dup link is both “up” and “refreshed”, either from the:
Web interface’s Server section, by selecting View Summary
Linux command line, by entering the server command
5. If so, manually clear the alarm, either from the:
Web interface, by selecting Alarms and Notification, the
appropriate alarm, and Clear
Linux command line, by entering almclear -n #id
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