Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2330 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
S8700 MC
In IPSI connected port networks, the Tone Clock circuit is found on the IPSI circuit pack. In non
IPSI connected port networks, there is a Tone Clock circuit pack. The following sections
describe the relationship between the various reliability options and the IPSIs or Tone Clock
S8700 Multi-Connect architecture has three items that can be duplicated: server, IPSI, and
PNC. Note that duplicated control networks and duplicated IPSIs go together; when the IPSIs
are duplicated, the control networks must be duplicated. While all items can be independently
duplicated, the combination of duplicated bearer networks (PNCs) and unduplicated control
networks is not allowed. See Table 836: S8700 Multi-Connect Reliability Configurations
page 2330.
Duplex-Reliability Configuration
The duplex-reliability configuration shown in Figure 140 has a duplicated server, an
unduplicated control network, unduplicated IPSIs in the IPSI connected port networks, and an
unduplicated bearer network. Therefore the Tone Clock is not duplicated in the IPSI connected
port network. In the non IPSI connected port network, the Tone Clock boards are also not
Table 836: S8700 Multi-Connect Reliability Configurations
Configuration Server Control Network and IPSI Bearer Network
Duplex Reliability Duplicated Unduplicated Unduplicated
High Reliability Duplicated Duplicated Unduplicated
Critical Reliability Duplicated Duplicated Duplicated