Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1912 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
PS-RGEN (Power supply ring generator)
The PS-RGEN maintenance object monitors the ringing voltage of each 655A power supply.
The TN2312BP IPSI uses the ring detection circuit on the 655A to monitor ring voltage for the
G650. When the TN2312BP IPSI is used in an MCC1 or SCC1, the ring detector on the tone
clock monitors ringing.
When the G650 is equipped with two power supplies, the 655A power supply on the left (slot 0)
is the primary power supply (master) and the 655A power supply on the right (slot 15) is the
secondary power supply. In normal operation, the primary 655A provides ringing for the G650. If
the primary 655A is unable to provide ringing to the G650 because it has failed or because of a
command from the TN2312BP IPSI, the secondary 655A connects ringing to the backplane
using an arbitration lead.
Normally the ring voltage LED (#5) on the left power supply is ON and the ring voltage LED on
the right power supply is OFF. This changes momentarily when the ringer interchange test is
run. The ring voltage LED will only remain lit on the right power supply when there is a power
supply failure of the left hand supply or the left hand supply is removed.
Only one 655A power supply provides ringing voltage to the backplane. The other power supply
ring voltage output is isolated from the backplane through a relay contact.
Refer to Figure 115: G650 Cabinet Environmental Hardware Components
on page 1959 for
further information.
Error log entries and test-to-clear values
MOs name in
Alarm Log
Initial SAT command to run Full name of MO
PS-RGEN MIN test board location Power Supply Ring Generator
PS-RGEN MAJ test board location Power Supply Ring Generator
Table 701: PS-RGEN Error Log Entries
Associated test Alarm
Test-to-clear value
1 (a
) Ring generator
interchange test
ON test environment location
test board location long
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