
Denial Event Tables
Issue 1 June 2005 185
1115 LWC timeout Leave Word Calling timeout occurred in the dap
for a non-call associated attempt.
1116 DCS confirm msg timeout Remote busy verification. A Distributed
Communication System (DCS) confirmation
message was not back in 4 seconds.
1117 Outgoing trk seizure fail Outgoing trunk seizure failure, busy verify hit
glare, digit timeout via ogt_sz_sup().
1118 Analog station ringer Analog principal station has trouble ringing.
1119 Analog station ringer Analog covering station has trouble ringing and
principal was station not rung successfully.
1120 Bsy Vfy termination fail RP_M found busy verification terminator
available, but termination to it failed.
1121 Bsy Vfy termination fail RP_M found busy verification trunk terminator
available, but USER_M found it maintenance
busy or otherwise unavailable.
1122 Bsy Vfy termination fail GRP_M found busy verification terminator
available, but USER_M found it out-of-service.
1123 Bsy Vfy termination fail GRP_M found busy verify terminator available,
but USER_M denied termination to:
- admin busy
- incoming seizure
- query for virtual set’s station hunting
User ID fails
- virtual set’s physical station’s current
state is not idle or call busy
- admin busy
- maintenance busy
- no available call appearance
- currently dialing
- available call appearance not idle or
busy HUNTGRP - no available
member in free list, at least one not
made busy
1124 Bsy Vfy termination fail GRP_M found busy verify hunt group member
available, but USER_M found hunt group all busy
1125 Bsy Vfy call went away Bridging a busy verification party to a call that no
longer exists.
1126 Bsy Vfy merge failed Bridging a busy verification party to a call cannot
be merged. Merge checks include:
not being busy verified by another user
not a data call
the call is in either talk or park state
- One exception to this is Converse calls
which are always in nrm_ans_sup()
no tone connected or bv or conference
tone connected
not exceed conference limit
no aux trunk involved in the call
Table 48: Call Process denial events (1001 - 1172) (continued)
Event Description, as it
appears on the event log
Explanation Event
Data 1
Event Data 2
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