
Issue 1 June 2005 1109
DS1 Facilities Connectivity Test (#790)
This test is destructive.
The DS1 facilities connectivity test will check the correct connectivity of the DS1 facilities at
opposite ends of the DS1 converter complex. Every part of this test is executed under firmware
control and the result is sent back to the maintenance software.
For TN574 DS1 Converter circuit packs, this test is executed by sending digital data through
each time slot of every DS1 facility channel. Two different test patterns are used, these are
hexadecimal values 55 and AA.
For TN1654 DS1 Converter circuit packs, this test has been enhanced to provide error codes
that point to the exact fault. Rather than simply reporting a failure of the connectivity test, the
TN1654 test specifically identifies the two DS1 facilities that are cross-connected at the near
and far ends of the DS1 converter complex. In addition, a fault code will indicate the condition of
not being able to loop-up the far end, as required to run the test, due to the packet DS1 facility
being down.
The TN1654 connectivity test sends digital data through only one time slot. Instead of looping
back the facility to itself, the TN1654 version of the test loops-up the other three facilities. If the
test pattern comes back, the firmware fails the test due to an incorrect connection between DS1
facilities. It should be noted that this test will pass and give no indication of problems if the
non-packet facilities are down.
For a standard-, duplex-, or high-reliability system (no PNC duplication), this test can only be
executed at the endpoint that is closer to the media server relative to the neighbor DS1
converter circuit pack because of its impacts on the system control links. In addition, for TN574
DS1 converter boards, the completion of the test will be delayed in this configuration to wait for
the recovery of the system control links. For a critical-reliability system (PNC duplication), test
can be executed at any DS1 converter circuit pack.
Table 377: Test #790 DS1 Facilities Connectivity Loop-Back Test
Description / Recommendation
2000 ABRT Timed out while waiting for a response from the circuit pack.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
2100 ABRT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
2300 ABRT The downlink message necessary to run this test could not be sent.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
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