
STRAT-3 (Stratum-3 Clock)
Issue 1 June 2005 2133
f. Error Type 769: this Error Type corresponds to FAIL code 8 of the Stratum-3 Clock Alarm
Query test (#649): either reference B failed or the CI card B failed.
g. Error Type 1025: this Error Type corresponds to FAIL code 16 of the Stratum-3 Clock Alarm
Query test (#649): every power supplied failed.
A Minor alarm results if the Stratum-3 clock can still provide timing to the switch; otherwise,
a Major alarm will be raised because the Stratum-3 clock is not providing timing and the
switch is referencing the local oscillator on the TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack. If only the
active TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack is faulty, the standby TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack
becomes active and remains synchronized to the Stratum-3 clock. When the system
switches to the standby Tone-Clock circuit pack, the alarm is resolved, and a TDM-CLK
alarm is raised to indicate a possible problem on the TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack.
If the alarm is MINOR:
1. Look for a red LED on either or both TOC cards.
2. If there is a red LED, replace the card. If there is no red LED, use the Stratum-3 Wiring
Guide, and check that the wiring installation is correct.
3. After replacing the card or correctly rewiring the installation, clear the alarm by issuing
disable synchronization-switch, followed by enable
synchronization-switch. The latter procedure causes synchronization software to
switch back to using the Stratum-3 clock again.
4. Wait 2 minutes and run status synchronization.
5. If Maintenance Name on the status screen shows “STRAT-3,” the problem is resolved.
CAUTION: The disable synchronization-switch command followed by enable
synchronization-switch may cause slip alarms. The circuit packs that can
experience slips and the associated error log entry for slips are listed in
Table 765: Timing Slip Error Types
on page 2133.
Table 765: Timing Slip Error Types
Circuit Pack Name Error Log Name Error Log Entry for Slips
DS1 Interface DS1-BD 3073 to 3160
Expansion Interface EXP-INTF 2305
Switch Node Interface SNI-BD 1537
Tone-Clock TDM-CLK 1025
UDS1 Interface UDS1-BD 3073 to 3160