4 - 13
(3) Forced stop
Provide an external forced stop circuit to ensure that operation can be stopped and
power switched off immediately.
Make up a circuit that shuts off main circuit power as soon as EMG is turned off at a forced stop. When
EMG is turned off, the dynamic brake is operated to bring the servo motor to a sudden stop. At this time,
the display shows the servo forced stop warning (AE6).
During ordinary operation, do not use the external forced stop (EMG) to alternate stop and run.
The servo amplifier life may be shortened.
Also, if the forward rotation start (RYn1) and reverse rotation start (RYn2) are on or a pulse train is input
during a forced stop, the servo motor will rotate as soon as the warning is reset. During a forced stop,
always shut off the run command. Note also that during a forced stop, RYn1 and RYn2 must be off.
Servo amplifier
Forced stop
Note. For the sink I/O interface. For the source I/O interface, refer to section 4.8.3.