DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 101
Message ID = 755
Table 30: Parameter Update
Field Field Type Bytes Format Units Offset
1Header - - 0
2 Parameter update, see Table 30 4 Enum - H
3 Group name 12 Char[ ] - H+4
4 Port to configure.
(default = THISPORT)
See Table 17 on Page 87
4 Enum - H+16
5 ;Communication baud rate (bps).
A value of '0' indicates that no
GROUPCOMCONFIG specification is associated
with the port for the specified group.
Possible bps values:
300, 600, 900, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200, or 230400
4 ULong bps H+20
See Table 31 on Page 102
4 Enum - H+24
7 Number of data bits 7 or 8
(default = 8)
4 ULong - H+28
8 Number of stop bits 1 or 2
(default = 1)
4 ULong - H+32
9 Handshaking
See Table 32 on Page 102
4 Enum - H+36
10 Echo
0 = Off - No echo
1 = On (default) - Transmit any input characters as
they are received
4 Enum - H+40
11 Break
0 = Off - Disable break detection
1 = On (default) - Enable break detection
4 Enum - H+44
Binary ASCII Description
DEFAULT Set the parameter for a group to the default (default)
SET Set parameter for a the group
CLEAR Clear a parameter from the group