
66 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 4 DL Explorer
4.3.2 Upload Group from the PC/Laptop to the Receiver
Click on the button in the main DL Explorer window and the Group Management dialog
appears, see Figure 26.
Figure 26: Group Management
The Group Management dialog displays the current default group table on the PC/laptop in the CDU
Groups panel on the left. The groups stored on the connected receiver are in the DL Groups panel on
the right. If the receiver is not connected, or if there are no groups loaded onto the DL-V3, the DL
Groups panel is empty.
Up to five groups at a time can be selected for upload from your PC/laptop to the receiver. To upload
a group, highlight it in the CDU Groups panel.
Select the UpLoad button to copy the group.
Select a log group in the DL Groups panel and click on the Start button to start logging to the CF card.
The Starting Groups dialog appears, see Figure 27 on Page 67. Specify the default port to use and a
name for the log file. If you leave the Log Filename field empty, a sequential filename is created. If
the Port field for the group is set to NO_PORTS in the Logs tab of the DL Groups dialog, see Logs
Tab on Page 58-59, the Start process uses the port you select in the Starting Groups dialog. Otherwise,
logs using a specific port are not affected by an entry in the Default Port field.