DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 157
C.5 FILECHANNEL Log File Channel Configuration
The FILECHANNEL log contains configuration of all file channels on the receiver.
Structure: Message ID = 158
Log Type: Polled
Field Data Description Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header Log header, see Page 149 --0
2 DiskSpace Number of free bytes on the CF
4 Ulong bytes H
3 FCModel CF card model 40 Char[ ] - H+4
4 FCVersion CF card firmware version 8 Char[ ] - H+44
5 DiskCapacity Total number of bytes on the CF
4 Ulong bytes H+52
6 Reserved for future use 16 Char[ ] - H+56
7 #Channels Number of channels associated
with files
4 Ulong - H+72
8 Channel File port channel, see Table 54
on Page 134
4 Enum - H+76
9 SatLimit Number of SV filter 4 Int - H+80
10 Reserved for future use 4 Ulong - H+84
11 4 Ulong - H+88
12 FileName Name of open logfile 12 Char[ ] - H+92
Next File Port offset = H + 76 + (N*28)