DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 159
Table 71: File Status
18 SiteP File position of the last
sitedefb log
4 Ulong - H+76
19 MetP File position of the last
metdefb log
4 Ulong - H+80
20 WriteP File position of the last writeb
or writehexb log.
4 Ulong - H+84
21 Reserved for future use 4 Ulong - H+88
22 4 Ulong - H+92
23 4 Ulong - H+96
23 4 Ulong - H+100
a. These fields only reflect the set of messages/logs filtered by the SATLIMIT filter, see
Page 133.
b. GPSs format represents GPS time of the week (Ulong milliseconds in binary logs, float-
ing-point seconds in ASCII logs).
File Status Bit Description Bit=0 Bit=1
0x00000001 File access status OK error
0x00000002 Flag to indicate if rangea/b and/or rangecmpa/b logs are
present in the file
absent present
0x00000004 Flag to indicate if rawephema/b logs are present in the file absent present
0x00000008 Flag to indicate if almanaca/b logs are present in the file absent present
0x00000010 Flag to indicate if ionutca/b logs are present in the file absent present
0x00000020 Flag to indicate if bestposa/b and/or rtkposa/b logs are
present in the file
absent present
Field Data Description Bytes Format Units Offset