114 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
B.22 GROUPPOSAVE Configure Group Position Averaging
The groupposave command allows you to configure position averaging to commence when the group
is executed. groupfixpos and groupposave configurations are mutually exclusive, and the last setting
to be entered takes effect.
The groupposave set command configures the group for position-averaging with parameters set to
maxtime, maxhorstd and maxverstd.
The groupposave clear and default commands clear the group position-average configuration.
groupposave set groupname [maxtime [maxhorstd maxverstd]]
groupposave default|clear groupname
B.22.1 Groupuse Translation
groupuse start
If position averaging is configured in the group, the posave command is executed with averaging time,
maximum horizontal and vertical standard deviation set to the configured values.
groupuse stop
If position averaging is configured in the group, this command cancels it and issues a fix none
Message ID = 63
Table 41: GROUPSAVE Default Configuration
Field Data
Value Used if
Not Specified
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 Parameter Update, see Table 34 on
Page 107
- 4 Enum none H
3 Group name - 12 Char[] none H+4
4 Maximum time 0 8 Double hours H+16
5 Maximum horizontal standard deviation 0 8 Double none H+24
6 Maximum vertical standard deviation 0 8 Double none H+32
Parameter Power-On Freset Stored in NVM
maxtime no change 0.01 YES
maxhorstd no change 0 YES
maxverstd no change 0 YES