98 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
B.12 GROUPANTSN Edit Group Antenna Serial Number
The groupantsn command allows you to edit the antenna serial number definition for the group.
The groupantsn set command sets the antenna serial number for the group named groupname to antsn.
The groupantsn clear and the groupantsn default commands remove the antenna serial number setting
from the group named groupname.
groupantsn set groupname [antsn]
groupantsn default|clear groupname
B.12.1 Groupuse Translation
groupuse start
The antenna serial number setting is reflected in the groupdefb log.
groupuse stop
Message ID = 55
Table 28: GROUPANTSN Default Configuration
Field Data
Value Used if
Not Specified
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 Parameter Update, see Table 34 on
Page 107
- 4 Enum none H
3 Group name - 12 Char[] none H+4
4 Antenna serial number, see Table 28 NUL 16 Char[] none H+16
Parameter Power-On Freset Stored in NVM
antsn no change NUL YES