
Operation Chapter 3
DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 53
Select a group in the DL Groups panel and press Start on the dialog’s right to start logging to your CF
card or COM port.
A red cross beside a log group name indicates the group is not active in the DL-V3. A green
check mark indicates the group is active in the DL-V3.
Up to 5 log groups can be stored in the DL-V3 at any one time.
4. Stop the Data Logging
In the Group Management dialog, click on the Stop button to stop logging data. Once the data logging
has stopped, it is no longer writing to the card. While you move the antenna, the receiver is still
functioning but it is not logging data. To start a new site at a new location, repeat steps #1 to #4.
Information is appended to the CF card file.
3.5 Enabling SBAS Positioning
All OEMV family receivers are capable of SBAS positioning. This positioning mode is enabled using
the SBASCONTROL command. On a simulator, you may want to leave the testmode parameter off or
specify NONE explicitly. The following commands are typically used to enable WAAS and other
SBAS modes, for example EGNOS, respectively:
SBASCONTROL enable waas
SBASCONTROL enable egnos
Refer to the GNSS Reference Book for more information on SBAS, available from our website at:
3.6 Enabling L-band (OEMV-1, OEMV-3, DL-V3 & ProPak-V3)
L-band equipped receivers allow you to achieve sub-meter accuracy. In order to use this positioning
mode, you must enable L-band tracking to the Canada-Wide Differential Global Positioning System
(CDGPS) or OmniSTAR signal. A subscription to OmniSTAR is required to use the OmniSTAR
service. The CDGPS signal is free and available without subscription. Refer to the GNSS Reference
Book for more information on L-band, available from our website at:
To obtain an OmniSTAR subscription, contact OmniSTAR at 1-800-338-9178 or 713-785-5850. If
you contact OmniSTAR, you will be asked to provide the receiver’s OmniSTAR serial number (which
is different from the NovAtel serial number). To obtain the OmniSTAR serial number, enter the
following command in a terminal window or the Console window in CDU: