Novatel DL-V3 Car Satellite TV System User Manual

148 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Table 65: DL-V3 Logs in Order of their Message IDs
For a complete listing and description of the other logs that the DL-V3 is capable of generating, please
consult the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual. It also contains procedures and explanations
related to data logging.
Before proceeding to describe these logs, mention should be made of the DL-V3 data file format
(*.PDC). Please see PDC Files on Page 149.
ASCII Log Description
37 VERSION Hardware versions, software versions, and serial numbers
93 RXSTATUS DL-V3 status
94 RXSTATUSEVENT DL-V3 status event notification
147 FILEHDR Log file header
148 GROUPDEF Log group configuration
150 METDEF Meteorological parameters
153 SITEDEF Site configuration
156 PROJECTDEF Project definition
158 FILECHANNEL Log file channel configuration
159 DIRENT CF card file list
187 CURRENTSET Set currentfile and currentgroup command configuration
205 WRITEHEX User-generated information
257 WRITE User-generated information
754 GROUPCOMCONFIG COM port configuration information
798 EXTLEVELS Extended hardware levels
799 PWRSTATUS Power levels and status
8192 FILETRANSFER CF card file transfer packet