DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 89
The currentfile command allows you to specify a file to which subsequent requests for filehdr and
filetransfer logs apply, see Pages 158-160.
Specified without arguments, the currentfile command clears any previously configured currentfile
settings. The currentfile file command:
• Configures the currentfile to file. File is a name of a file on the CF card specified in a base.ext
format, where base is a maximum of 8 characters and the optional ext is a maximum of 3
characters. Subsequent requests for the filehdr log, see Page 158, displays the filehdr log read
from file or for the filetransfer log, see Page 160, transfers file in filetransfer log packets.
• Causes the receiver to transfer the entire file on all subsequent requests for the filetransfer log
when issued with the dump mode specified as all.
• Causes the receiver to transfer only file packet number packet_id on all subsequent requests for
the filetransfer log when issued with the transfer mode specified as {single [packet_id]}.
Packet_id ranges from 0 to SizePackets-1, see the dirent log on Page 154. The first packet is
numbered 0. Packet size is defined in the file log definition.
• Defaults the dump mode to all when issued without specifying the dump mode.
currentfile file [all|{single [packet_id]}]
Message ID = 185
Table 19: Dump Mode
Table 20: CURRENTFILE Default Configuration
Field Data
Value Used if
Not Specified
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 File - 12 Char[] none H
3 Dump Mode, see Table 19 ALL 4 Enum none H+12
4 Packet ID 0 4 Ulong none H+16
Binary Value ASCII Value Description
0 ALL Send all packets on dump
1 SINGLE Send single packet on dump
Parameter Power-On Freset Stored in NVM
currentfile none none NO