Novatel DL-V3 Car Satellite TV System User Manual

DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 89
The currentfile command allows you to specify a file to which subsequent requests for filehdr and
filetransfer logs apply, see Pages 158-160.
Specified without arguments, the currentfile command clears any previously configured currentfile
settings. The currentfile file command:
Configures the currentfile to file. File is a name of a file on the CF card specified in a base.ext
format, where base is a maximum of 8 characters and the optional ext is a maximum of 3
characters. Subsequent requests for the filehdr log, see Page 158, displays the filehdr log read
from file or for the filetransfer log, see Page 160, transfers file in filetransfer log packets.
Causes the receiver to transfer the entire file on all subsequent requests for the filetransfer log
when issued with the dump mode specified as all.
Causes the receiver to transfer only file packet number packet_id on all subsequent requests for
the filetransfer log when issued with the transfer mode specified as {single [packet_id]}.
Packet_id ranges from 0 to SizePackets-1, see the dirent log on Page 154. The first packet is
numbered 0. Packet size is defined in the file log definition.
Defaults the dump mode to all when issued without specifying the dump mode.
currentfile file [all|{single [packet_id]}]
Message ID = 185
Table 19: Dump Mode
Table 20: CURRENTFILE Default Configuration
Field Data
Value Used if
Not Specified
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 File - 12 Char[] none H
3 Dump Mode, see Table 19 ALL 4 Enum none H+12
4 Packet ID 0 4 Ulong none H+16
Binary Value ASCII Value Description
0 ALL Send all packets on dump
1 SINGLE Send single packet on dump
Parameter Power-On Freset Stored in NVM
currentfile none none NO